
Note: all Area Training Events (Safeguarding, First Response, Module Validations) need to be booked in advance.

Further details about training can be found on the Area Web Site

The Wood Badge and Module 2

All volunteers with Section Leader and Assistant Section Leader roles need to complete the Scout Association's Training Scheme within 3 years of starting their roles.  This is known as the Wood Badge, or Wood Beads and its done by completing a series of modules. Modules can either be completed at organised events, or there are other methods, such as e-learning and workbooks - or you might know the subject well enough to not need to do the course at all.  Once you have completed a module, you need to discuss how you might use the content of the module with a training advisor - this is called Validation.  

Before you start your Woodbadge, you need to complete Module 2 - which is really about agreeing what learning you need to do.   We've made a video below that explains it and then you can complete your Module 2 template and email it to